Moving to Planning Center Giving reduces the cost of processing fees, so The Foundry will receive more for every dollar you give. It also reduces our overhead costs with a significantly more affordable platform.

And now all of your information, groups, and registrations will be connected on one platform.

With Planning Center Giving, you can now give not only in person at the generosity boxes in the sanctuary, online, but you can also give through our new Church Center App.

The app makes it easy to give, connect to groups and events, and access the weekly sermon notes, putting everything in one place.

Once you download the app, create a login and choose The Foundry as your church and you’re all set.


  • Click “give on new platform

  • Login

  • Choose your amount, fund, frequency and payment method

  • Click “give’


  • Open the App and click “give”

  • Login with your phone number and text code

  • Choose your amount, fund, frequency and payment method

  • Click “give’

Please switch to the new platform by January 15th.

NOTE: If you transition your giving before January 1st, you’ll receive two end-of-year tax statements, one for each platform.

Once you’ve set up your new recurring giving on the new platform, login to our old platform
and cancel your recurring gifts on the old platform to ensure you’re not charged twice.

Giving through your bank account incurs fewer fees, furthering your donation.

If you have questions or need assistance switching platforms, please contact us